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Dive right into wintertime bliss with a Snowflake hydro dip project! At 50 cm wide, this film is a good choice for those looking to dress up small parts. Holiday gifts and promo items such as fidget spinners, water bottles, and tumblers pair well with the small various sized snowflakes.
Grab some Hydro-Gator activator and DTP White base coat paint to complete this project! Already have these goodies? You're all set! To add some extra dimension, give DTP Silver Metallic a shot underneath this water transfer printing film. With this option, each snowflake will produce a natural sparkling effect that will never disappoint!
Please note that this particular film is fairly humidity sensitive. We recommend cutting film pieces slightly larger than normal to allow extra room for "curling" in humid environments. Alternatively, each piece of film may be taped (length wise is usually enough) to allow for easier placement on the water.
Hydrographic Film Width: 50 CM
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